Today’s game is an online turn-based game in which I attempt to establish my standard Philidor setup using the initial Pirc move-order against White. White blunders a center pawn and with White’s pressure on e5, I fianchetto the Bishop as in the Pirc Defense.
White later found a very pretty Queen sacrifice, but did not gain from it. Instead the benefit was mine as I was ahead in material. The game concluded with the pushing of passed center pawns.
My reviewing goal is to identify my mistakes and determine the steps that are necessary to take to minimize or eliminate those mistakes. I also try to highlight those rare good moves so that my readers can see the progress in my studies. Thus, the notes emphasize my good and bad moves and gloss over those of my opponents. The variations are Houdini’s (1.5 32-bit), diagnosed with ‘Scid vs PC’ at 15 seconds per ply and a 0.6 error threshold. Most move evaluations are also Houdini’s, but any ‘!’ evaluations are mine. The verbal comments are my thoughts during the game and my interpretations of the analysis provided by Houdini. The score chart is at the bottom of this entry.
My worst move: 14...Re8?!
These are the books I am currently reading:
- Pawn Power in Chess by Hans Kmoch (2nd reading), for the strategic handling of pawns.
- Chess Strategy for Club Players by Herman Grooten, primarily for reviewing games but any strategy absorbed is a bonus.
- A First Book of Morphy by Frisco Del Rosario, for reviewing games and the illustration of Reuben Fine’s 30 rules of chess.
- Chess Exam and Training Guide by Igor Khmelnitsky (2nd reading), to see what changes have been made by my last few years of study and to find where my studies concentrate on next.
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