In addition to my regular studies, I am re-taking the Chess Exam and Training Guide, by Igor Khmelnitsky to find where I have improved and where I need additional work. After the first 40 questions, I have interim scores that show that my over-the-board play is two full class levels below my chess knowledge. Both interesting and discouraging.
Opening studies – 2.Nf3 in response to 1...c5 does not follow my opening studies, need to review my tabiyas more frequently. I am also deleting from my tabiya the Sicilian Defense lines and changing to one that is more Bird-like.
Positional play – after exchanging my light-colored Bishop, I kept putting my pawns on the dark squares, turning my dark-colored Bishop into a tall Pawn. Later my opponent also had a space advantage and my Knight was back on my second rank. I know better, but I do not apply that knowledge during the game.
Blunders - 26.Rd1??, which caused the loss, was moved in under 15 sec and without adequate blunder-checking. Need to work on blunder-checking all moves, especially when responding to threats.
Today's endgame study: FEN "8/8/4N3/8/7p/3K1k2/7P/8 w - -"