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Friday, November 16, 2012

Winning the Won Game (8), Rook vs. Knight

Next time you see a position that is supposed to be winning: capture the position, transfer it to your favorite chess program, set the program to a higher rating than your own and play the winning position to see how to conclude the game. Then go back and repeat the exercise at an increased rating until you can win against it at full strength.

 The ending below is from an online game that I won, but not in an optimal manner. The starting position looked interesting enough to try for improvement. White has a Rook vs. Black’s Bishop and one extra Pawn.. Black also has his Bishop trapped behind his Pawns and it is virtually useless until he can free it. Before he can free it, he must exchange it for a Pawn.

For the readers who wish to try this exercise, the FEN is: 4Rbk1/3q2p1/3p1p1p/1p1P4/2p5/1P2Q2P/2P3PK/8 w - -

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